Sunday, October 4, 2009

Yesterday, I ran through the neighborhood on a bright, sunny, refreshing morning. The trail would be too wet so I gave Russ the car for his "guys" meeting at church rather than drop him off and run the full circle at the prairie path only to rush afterwards and pick him up! What a beautiful morning it was! Sometimes, it's fun to be back on the road and dig some new scenery. The colors are changing and the weather is cooler (a friend to joggers/runners)!

Running down Massachusetts Dr.

Stop? No way! Keep on runnin'.... It was a GREAT run and next to no discomfort later in the day, as sometimes, this happens.

Afterwards, we went to Keller' Farm to buy my mother in law and myself a mum plant. While we were there, we bought pumpkins, gourds, eating corn, Indian corn, home made bread and McIntosh apples! Sixty some dollars later, we came home! Geesh! Anyway...Happy Autumn!

Truckload of Autumn! Time to decorate! Have a great week!

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