Friday, August 21, 2009

Dietary Challenges!

It all started at Big Apple Bagel where my Master's Swim Team met after practice (which I missed due to a long, sleepless night...but funny....I could make it for the bagel!)....

The criminal acts continued throughout this long, cool, late August day in 2009....

Scene of the crime: My place of employment

Inside ... Temptations abound! Our Home and School Assoc. decides to provide goodies for the staff to kick off the new glutenous year!

On top of the parent organization treats, it just so happened to be one of our teacher's birthday! Of course, I had to honor her by having some!

What birthday celebration doesn't involve pizza. And of course, this is Chicago...home of the BEST pizza...which is DEEP DISH! These are Lou Milnati's prize winning pies! Of course...this was all followed by more birthday cake!

In addition (that's right...we aren't done yet...), there's the endless candy dish in the office...right across my desk!

So is there any hope for me this year? When will I learn to deal with these challenges. Gotta stop saying, "After this event, After that...." There will always be something! Weight loss success is not based on how well we do on the days we can easily control, but on the days that could easily get OUT OF CONTROL.

Time will tell if I ever learn this control.... Maybe our current weather will get me going...

Perhaps I should now break out in song over this.... "SoooomWHEEEEERRRRE oooover the rainbooooow, dreeeeeams come truuuuuuue" OK...I'll spare you! Ha! (Rainbow in my backyard, Aug. 21, 2009).

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