Sunday, December 27, 2009
Yet...Another Year Goes By....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fall Fitness
Hopefully, this will spur me on...
Exercise...no problem... Eating right? Still an issue! And this is, of course, a dangerous part of year.
November 24th is blood work time... Hope I can eat right for few weeks to make it a good one (like...OK....then let loose and eat bad again after the test????)....
So...I'll be looking for some new things to eat and stick with my scaled down Triathlon training and just keep pluggin' along.... Here was one not so new sandwich idea I resurrected... Boy was it tasty! Forgot about these... Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato on Whole Grain bread (this bread had flax seed in it...yum)!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Running down Massachusetts Dr.
Stop? No way! Keep on runnin'.... It was a GREAT run and next to no discomfort later in the day, as sometimes, this happens.
Afterwards, we went to Keller' Farm to buy my mother in law and myself a mum plant. While we were there, we bought pumpkins, gourds, eating corn, Indian corn, home made bread and McIntosh apples! Sixty some dollars later, we came home! Geesh! Anyway...Happy Autumn!
Truckload of Autumn! Time to decorate! Have a great week!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I remember as a kid cutting them open to see the "milk" only to find GLUE. It was sticky and a little smelly, if I recall. But it was fun to discover the unusual stuff inside. There was plenty of milk weed in the prairie this week and some caterpillars found their way to them. Hmmm...wonder if they poke through the blossom and drink the "milk".
My favorite late summer, early autumn wild plant is the Cat Tail. Usually found in swampy areas, the prairie is full of clusters where water likes to pool or where the brook babbles here and there.
So pretty, wispy and whimsical!
An hour later...our lungs were filled with fresh air, our beings filled with the beauty of God's creation and our legs filled with unsteady jiggle as we had worked hard peddling uphill with the wind in our faces. Invigorating!
I love riding my bike....
"Every time I see an adult on a bicycle I no longer despair for the future of the human race."-H.G. Wells
Thursday, September 3, 2009
On the running trail with me.....
I always start warming up by walking up a small loop where on one side, hobby plane enthusiast are radioing their aircraft through the air from an airfield just for such aircraft... See the plane at the bottom of the picture?
In the backyard? An amazing moonrise!!!!! A full moon too! This picture didn't do it justice. There was an orange cast to it. So....went from an amazing sunset, to and amazing moonrise...all within the span of one hour! Great run!